Romance Writers Weekly #lovechatwrite

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Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn’t you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all… About our writing of course! Every week we’ll answer questions and after you’ve enjoyed the blog on this site we’ll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.

How do you respond to someone calling your writing smut or demeaning your work in some other way?

Reading is a very personal activity, as individual as a fingerprint. What delights and entertains one reader might offend and insult another. Reading proclivities are shaped by the events in our lives, our personalities, and our tastes. Who is to say what is or isn’t entertaining for any one person? I don’t really enjoy country music but it doesn’t devalue the genre or make those who do enjoy it any less of a person. For that reason, I’m not offended by those who don’t like or approve of my work. I always warn new readers that my stories are steamy in nature and not for everyone. My advice to those who don’t like erotic romance is “don’t read it”. There are millions of books in the world, no need to stumble over mine if it isn’t your taste.

I write to entertain myself and if I can provide a few hours of diversion for someone else, then I’m happy.

When critiquing or beta reading, do you ever find the voice of the author creeping into your writing?

In the beginning, my first works sounded a lot like my favorite author. A very good friend read the story and said it didn’t sound like my voice. How right she was! Unconsciously, I was emulating someone else’s work. I shoved that novel to the back of my closet and began a new story. That was some of the best advice I’ve ever gotten.

These days, I become so immersed in the characters of my book that there is no room for anyone else’s voice.

What’s one quirky thing you do or must have around while writing?

I have to have my dogs near when I write. As we speak, I have one sleeping on the back of my chair and another in my lap. They get very upset when I pick up the laptop because they know my attention is diverted for a few hours. We have compromised by sharing my oversized leather club chair and ottoman.


Oh, dear. You have forced me to confess my dark, shameful secret. I have a hat fetish. I’ve been collecting hats for thirty years. I have cowboy hats, fedoras, straw, farmer…I even have a 1920’s pillbox that belonged to a friend’s grandma and a bowler hat from my horse showing days. I like to wear a hat when I write to “hold my thoughts in”! Okay, maybe that’s not the purpose of the hat, but it makes me feel “writerly”.

Thanks for stopping by this week. Be sure to make the next stop on the hop and visit VC Monroe at

11 Responses

  1. Fiona Riplee

    I’d love to see some of your hats. How fun to write in them. I had a thing for hats when I was in high school. Had my senior picture taken with one. The other ‘famous’ hat I had I called my old Susanna hat which I was teased about but I didn’t care.

  2. Veronica Forand

    My first novel is under my bed for the same reason. I tried too hard to sound like another author and it came out flat. When I let go and followed myself to a darker, more wiseass place, it all came together!

  3. J.J. Devine

    Oh now you have me thinking we need a ‘hat’ talk for one of our speaking engagements 🙂 Loved reading your blog!!!

  4. jeana

    Just don’t ask me to wear one! It might take a few cocktails before I could manage that. 🙂

  5. jeana

    I’m glad to hear that you found your voice. It’s funny how different it feels to write once I realized what was going on.

  6. jeana

    Maybe we should have a “hat meeting” on one of our Saturdays!

  7. Dani Jace

    I have a black cowboy hat I bought when Bon Jovi was in their hay day. Loved Ritchie Sambora!

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