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Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn’t you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all….. About our writing of course! Every week we’ll answer questions and after you’ve enjoyed the blog on this site we’ll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.

If you arrived here from Nina Mason‘s blog, then welcome! If you are just starting the hop with my blog, please take a second to drop by and see Nina before you go.

If someone could observe you writing without you knowing they were there, what strange practices might they catch you doing?

Oh, man! That’s a scary thought. I seem to hold my head a lot, like it’s going to fall off or explode. A friend said it looks like I’m trying to hold in the ideas before they escape. I also tend to read what I’ve written out loud. Sometimes I can’t get the full impact of the words unless I hear them. My neighbors probably think I’m a whack-a-doodle.

Other than a creative outlet, how does writing benefit you?

Writing has done many, many good things for me. It has taught me to focus on completing a task. It has also improved my self-discipline. I firmly believe that writing requires a daily commitment. If I go more than a day without writing, it becomes more and more difficult to get the words onto the page. I set aside a block of time each day to write and stick to that schedule without fail. I think any serious writer has to put writing first and foremost to be successful.

How do you feed your muse?

My muse is very hungry! I’ve found the best way to feed it is with a cup of coffee (strong with lots of cream and sugar!) or a long walk. There is something about walking that focuses my attention and brings the most creative ideas to mind. Really, any physical activity will do. It seems that I come up with the best ideas when I’m busy doing something else. That’s why you’ll find notes scribbled on the back of receipts or any scrap of paper. Once or twice, I’ve even used eyeliner to jot something down before it eludes me.

Thank you for stopping by today! The next stop on our blog hop is Carolyn Spear who also provided this week’s questions. Be sure to stop by her blog and see what interesting insights she is sharing with us!

9 Responses

  1. Rhenna Morgan

    I don’t walk–because, well, that would be exercise and I have to be sedated for that–but showers work well for me. Go figure. 🙂

  2. jeana

    I’ve got to try the shower thing. Cleanliness is next to godliness!

  3. jami denise

    Such a great post! I think the sense of accomplishment is about the best thing about writing, at least for me! I really wish physical exercise was part of the feeding and caring of my muse… I know my jeans would approve!
    thanks for the post!!

  4. J.J. Devine

    I agree wholeheartedly a writer MUST write daily. Very good blog!!!

  5. Fiona Riplee

    I’ve done the same thing with eyeliner as well! Good to know I’m not the only one. Great blog.

  6. Carrie Elks

    I’m with you on the self discipline. I’ve never felt more accomplished than the first time I finished a novel (something I’ve been trying to do for years). The second one was so much easier–I think more than anything I had to prove to myself I could do it!

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